Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Animal Rescue for Hurricane Gustav

After Gustav people were not allowed to return to their homes, and many animals were captured on the streets or surrendered to shelters.

Companion Animal Network and Bayou Rescue joined forces to evacuate 41 animals from the Ascension Parish Animal shelter to points north (North Carolina and New York) where they will be adopted into their forever homes.

Needless to say, it was hot and dirty. The smell of dead animals, so familiar after Katrina, was present in many neighborhoods.

Read more about the rescue effort, as well as the personal story of my family's ordeal in Baton Rouge, at http://www.stovepipehat.com and http://bayourescue.typepad.com/bayou_rescue/2008/09/on-the-road-aga.html. Tax-deductible donations are gratefully accepted through Bayou Rescue; designate your contribution as "D. Rollins rescue".

1 comment:

genushaha said...

Bless you for doing this!